JGB: female vocalists, late 1983 east coast tour

update 2016: there is overwhelming evidence that DeeDee Dickerson took part in the late ’83 JGB tour. She is on the band’s tour documents. As of 2/19/2019, I believe DeeDee was present until at least 5/19/84; the earliest confirmed reference I can find to Gloria Jones dates to 8/11/84.

update 2020: Gloria’s first show appears to have been July 28, 1984. Or it could have been July 10th. But it is in summer 1984, just before the 8/84 east coast tour.

There is a lot that remains obscure, and much that probably forever will, about the various ladies who joined Garcia onstage as Jerry Garcia Band backing vocalists. The Jerry Site’s band lineups page has the best information available, of course, but even there I know there are missing names, problematic dates, etc. etc. The 1981-1985 or so period is especially rife with incomplete or problematic information. (Probably true of drummers as well, but that’s a whole other can o’ worms!)

I don’t have time to tackle the whole issue right now, but it’s another very long and involved topic about which there will be much to say. Right now, I just want to ask about the late 1983 east coast tour of the JGB. Jacklyn LaBranch appears to have arrived on 10/24/82 and stayed through the end in 1995. According to TJS, it then went like this

DeeDee Dickerson backing vocals Oct 24, 1982 Jun 5, 1983
Gloria Jones backing vocals Jul 20, 1983 Aug 28, 1984
DeeDee Dickerson backing vocals Sep 15, 1984 Sep 28, 1985
Gloria Jones backing vocals Feb 21, 1986 Apr 23, 1995

By this reckoning, Gloria Jones was the backup singer in late ’83.

In an unbelievably erudite analysis of the JGB from 1987 (1), Corry tells us that Gloria replaced Dee Dee on 9/30/83, not 7/20. This is not consistent with the fact that DeeDee was on the late ’83 east coast tour. First, there’s the ad below for the 11/27/83 show at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC:

Second, as noted above (discovered after the original date of this post), DeeDee Dickerson was “on the bus with the Garcia Band” for the November-December 1983 eastern tour. This, of course, modifies understandings of Gloria.

When did she start?

update: ca. July 10, 1984

(1) Arnold, Corry. 1987. The Jerry Garcia Band: 11 years and still rockin’. Golden Road no. 13 (Winter): 22-26.




4 responses to “JGB: female vocalists, late 1983 east coast tour”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    late Nov. and Dec of 83 Dee Dee was in the band with Jackie

  2. jim Avatar

    Saw and recorded that 9/30/83 show. Appearntly Glorias first show. What a scorcher it was. Remember sitting at a table as that was how the Country Club was with some people I didn't know. Some old hippy guy wearing all tan leather like he just walked out of the desert. Looked like he'd been there since the 60's.

  3. jim Avatar

    Like Daniel Boone I meant to say!

  4. Fate Music Avatar

    Thanks for sharing recollections!

    Have you had your tapes digitized? I know I'd love to hear them.

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