
I have started trying to transcribe everything I need out of Signpost to a New Space (Garcia, Reich and Wenner 2003 [1972]). Terrible title on amazing material. It’s going to be quite a process, don’t hold your breath. I hope it doesn’t takes as long as NRPS-Matrix-1970-07, “Jerry and the Jeffersons, part I”, or some of my other tortured gems.

update: reading notes now posted, 5.5 months later.






5 responses to “Signpost”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    JGMF, love your posts, but shit, when's it gonna get back to posts abou Garcia shows?? I agree with what you've been doing, but hell

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    Thanks for asking! Eventually, I am sure.

  3. raile Avatar

    I tried valiantly to figure out when those interviews took place; if you can narrow it down better than I could, please let us know!

  4. Fate Music Avatar

    I do have at least one of the dates pinned down. It depended on one of the new listings I unearthed last summer from the SFC. I am on the road without my stuff, but will present the case at some point.

  5. Light Into Ashes Avatar

    The interviews are from July & October 1971, with questions from the two sessions mixed together in Signpost.

    A mid-October session with Wenner is pretty certain; however the initial sessions with Reich seem to have taken place over a few weeks.

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